
FructProd Association (Romania)-Project Partner


 Association of South Fruit Producers -FRUCTPROD is an association that brings together 83 fruit producers from the south east and southwest of Romania, an association that was established four years ago (2016) with a diverse structure of fruit species (cherries, sour cherries, apricots, peaches, blueberries, sea buckthorn, sea, plums, walnuts, hazelnuts, strawberries). The farms are of medium-large size with areas of over 10 ha. The farms benefit from high-performance equipment as a working base (tractors, milling machines, spraying pumps, irrigation equipment. Over 30% of the surface have support and anti-hail net, 20% of the cherry surfaces have anti-rain foil.

SC Comly SRL Insuratei, Braila county, has 230 ha plantation, of which 119 ha modern plantation equipped with irrigation, anti-hail system, high-performance maintenance equipment, collection warehouse, sorting, preparation for delivery, 100% of the goods produced destined for deliveries to countries EU, in large supermarket chains.

Sc Frank SRL-Ostrov cultivates over 300 ha, of which 170 ha new plantations with valuable species of apricot, peach, cherry. SC Ostrovit has also an area of 270 ha where they cultivate peach, plum, cherry, sour cherry, table grapes.

SC Paradisul Inflorit srl Ramnicu Sarat cultivates 72 ha of cherries from 5 high-performance varieties, has the latest equipment, modern storage, sorting-calibration, dosing in small packages, with pre-cooling, cooling that allows storage and delivery for a for over 3 months a year. Delivery at advantageous prices in countries such as England, Denmark, Nordic countries, Dubai, Russia.

Natura Panciu Group of Producers -Vrancea county cultivates on approximately 200 ha apple 150 ha, cherry 4 ha, Sea buckthorn 6 ha, table grapes on 20 ha, have a warehouse of over 2000 tons of storage, technological processing lines in the form of juice, jams, fruit vinegar.

SC Livada-December 30, a complex unit which cultivates 23 ha of cherries from very valuable spaces, plum, hair. It has modern equipment for cutting, Phyto protection, maintenance, irrigation, fertilization, harvesting, storage, storage, sorting, storage, dosing in small packages. A significant number of members, over 40, are in the process of implementing European projects for the establishment of blueberry, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, walnut, hazelnut, cherry orchards, complex projects that ensure all the technological links capable of ensuring a large production, quality, staggered, food safe. The farms have the support of highly qualified personnel who can permanently provide the latest technology, deliver in a controlled manner by preparing analysis bulletins that are interpreted by high-performance laboratories, ensure the necessary traceability of each batch.






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